

上海のアートフェア ART 021 SHANGHAI に中国のAura Galleryから出展します。

ART 021 SHANGHAI 11月7日(木)~10日(日)




中国からAura Galleryのウィリアムさんとキティーさんがパトロンプロジェクトの菊池麻衣子さんのご案内でアトリエまで作品を見に来てくれました。僕の作品を海外へ紹介する準備を丁寧に進めくれています。僕も驚きの大抜擢でこれから何が起こるのか楽しみです。


When I paint, I have my own method that I add any images which give me inspiration at that moment everyday. I force myself to do so even when I feel that inspirational image does not go well on the painting I am working on. I dare to do so even when that image does not fit in terms of composition.
While Surrealists’ automatism and dépaysement aimed at unconscious expression or artworks unrelated to consciousness, I am always quite conscious that everything in front of me has some potential in terms of the objects which I might be attracted to paint in the future. I believe what I can send out to the future depends on how I look at things and how I feel things around today. In that case, it is necessary to make myself accept whatever it is if I become wanting to paint.
I have been holding workshops throughout Japan where I seriously need other people’s paintings to incorporate into my paintings. I carried out those workshops to grow myself up to an artist who is capable of accepting every single thing as necessary. In fact, those workshops turned out to produce positive effect among participants, so that led me to have chances to work on my artworks at various places such as hospitals and facility for elderly. To me, the fact that my expression is required and the fact that my existence is required means the same.
In this way, I have reached this concept of “a simple which can gather separated stuff into one, rather than a simple which scrapes off extra stuff”. I think that the age where we try to scrape extra stuff away to make things better is over. I expect our next age will move to the time where we try not to produce waste rather than throw the waste away. I imagine that the world is going to be a simple globe when people all over the world create tomorrow incorporating every encounter and events. Art is the last hope to integrate separated stuff as separated together without aiming at integrating stuff as unity.

(英訳 菊池麻衣子


